Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Minuet in G

The Minuet in G is one of my favorite songs to play on the piano.if you play it over and over again your hands get REALLY tired.I used to hate going down ever day to play 2 songs over and over again. but now i am excited to go do the song!!!


Queen of Hearts said...
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Lisa Y. said...

Hi BK! This is Aunt Lisa. I love this song!!! It was one of the first real ones I learned on the flute. Buddy is a very cute dog even though he only wants to bark at me when I come over. I know if I spent more time there he'd learn to love me, right? Keep on blogging! And I'll keep checking in. You can visit mine about my chickens if you want. Your mom has it. LUV YA!

Kulio said...

I love this song too! Love love love hearing you playing it down there...

Queen of Hearts said...

thanks! luv you guys!
