Monday, January 19, 2009

i learned about the trees

my mom, she told me that if your lost, the trees will start pushing you the right way. and if you hurt the trees in any way then they will get lower and lower and there branches are swaying back and forth until they reach you and then they pick you up and drop you down their tree trunks(only if you hurt them on porpuse.)It kind of freaked me out but i got over it and said that i will never hurt a tree in any way. i and was never was going to even before my mom told me that.

so never hurt a live tree.


Kulio said...

That is freaking ME out!!!

But it's true.

crisilee alexandra said...

WOAH!! Scary. I NEVER will hurt a tree. Not even a dead one.


Queen of Hearts said...

i will post more so keep checking!
