Monday, March 8, 2010

Hey guess what? I am saving up money to but a laptop! i think i want a blue or pink. Both colors would be light. I hate waiting for people to get off the computer when i really want to get on. I could get on my blog, my email, Facebook, without having anyone to wait for!!! i love it!

i might get this color

or this!

or maybe this:

You decide on what color i should get!


Cryderman said...

I love the one with flowers on it! I also like the black one! How much do they cost? How much do yo have so far??

kool kenna said...

I loke the black one too. you have a facebook?!?!

Karaeleanor said...

I liked the pink one, but the yellow was cool too! The only problem w/ a laptop is being on all the time...thats a good thing about having to wait, your not on the computer every minute of every day! :) good choices tho!

Queen of Hearts said...

Yes Kenna i have a facebook but it is the little facebook for kids....grumble.....i have no friends........i have my profile and everything!! My name is Beth2345...

Cryderman said...

what is facebook for kids???

Kulio said...

sigh, I'm the mean mom for making the twins wait for their facebooks...

I love the orange one!!

Queen of Hearts said...

a facebook for kids is like a facbook but it is for kids. it has games, chat, and stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

I think any color will be fine if it has a cover, a keyboard, and a screen...oh, and a plug.

Uncle Billy