Monday, August 2, 2010

my goal

By the end of the summer, i want to have 320 dollars. i'm going to go shopping and buy myself a laptop. i dont have much now, but im working hard. (i think) the trouble is that i'm REALLY lazy. and i dont think i'll get all my jobs done. my daddy said that he would pay me 25 dollars if i did three jobs. i cant seem to finish the first. i have to chip off all the dead paint (i know that paint cant be dead, but to get the idea.) off of the shed, so my dad can repaint it. and our shed in big. and you wouldn't imagine how much dead paint is on that thing. also i have to pick weeds on the front garden. but that wont be fun because thats wear my mom got poision ivy. wish me luck!
and.. i have to chip off the dead paint on the front door. that's hard work. i have a few other ways to earn money, but they haven't got me anywhere. maybe because i haven't done them yet. but if u have any good ways for me to earn money, then please comment and tell me. thanks!


Anonymous said...

Awesome! I just know you can do it! :)Have you decided what laptop you are going to get yet?? Great blog!
By the way I have a new post too on my blog. love u!


mrc-w said...

I just called your mom and left a message. Anyways, I was going to tell her that if you want to earn some more money, we have some chores that you could do for $$. Ask your mom and dad and then let us know...
:) Molly